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Environment variables

Hollo is configured using environment variables. You can set them in an .env file in the root directory of the project, or you can set them using Docker’s -e/--env option or Railway’s environment variables.

Basic settings

PORT Optional Unused in Railway

The port number to listen on. 3000 by default.

DATABASE_URL Unused in Railway

The URL of the PostgreSQL database, e.g., postgresql://hollo:password@localhost/hollo.

SECRET_KEY Unused in Railway

The secret key for securing the session. You can generate a random secret key using the following command:

openssl rand -hex 32

TZ Optional

The time zone of the application. It has to be a valid time zone identifier, e.g., UTC, America/New_York, Asia/Tokyo.

UTC by default.

BEHIND_PROXY Optional Unused in Railway

Set this to true if Hollo is behind a reverse proxy. If you place the Hollo behind an L7 load balancer (you usually should do this), turn this on.

Turned off by default.


Setting this to true disables SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery) protection.

Turn on to test in local network.

Turned off by default.

Additional features

HOME_URL Optional

If present, the home page will redirect to this URL. If not set, the home page will show the list of accounts on the instance.


The number of recent public posts to fetch from remote actors when they are encountered first time.

10 by default.


Setting this to true lets your timelines work like inboxes: all posts visible to your timeline are physically stored in the database, rather than being filtered in real-time as they are displayed. This is useful for relatively larger instances with many incoming posts.

As of Hollo 0.4.0, it is experimental and may have several bugs, but it is epxected to be the default behavior in the future after it is stabilized.

Turned off by default.


Setting this to true allows raw HTML inside Markdown, which is used for formatting posts, bio, etc. This is useful for allowing users to use broader formatting options outside of Markdown, but to avoid XSS attacks, it is still limited to a subset of HTML tags and attributes.

Turned off by default.

Logging and debugging

LOG_LEVEL Optional

The log level for the application. debug, info, warning, error, and fatal are available.

info by default.

LOG_QUERY Optional

Set this to true to log SQL queries.

Turned off by default.

LOG_FILE Optional

The path to the log file. Unlike console output, the log file is written in JSON Lines format which is suitable for structured logging.


The DSN of the Sentry project to send error reports and traces to.

Asset storage


The disk driver used by Hollo to store blobs such as avatars, custom emojis, and other media.

Valid values are fs (local filesystem) and s3 (S3-compatible object storage).

Defaults to s3 for backward compatibility, but it is recommended to explicitly configure the driver as the default value will be removed in the future.

See the FlyDrive docs for details about the drivers.

Local filesystem settings

FS_ASSET_PATH Required with FS driver

The path in the local filesystem where blob assets are stored, e.g., /var/lib/hollo.

S3-compatible object storage settings

ASSET_URL_BASE Required with S3 driver

The public URL base of the asset storage, e.g.,

S3_REGION Optional

The region of the S3-compatible object storage, e.g., us-east-1. On some non-S3 services, this can be omitted. auto by default.

S3_BUCKET Required with S3 driver

The bucket name of the S3-compatible object storage, e.g., hollo.

S3_ENDPOINT_URL Required with S3 driver

The endpoint URL for S3-compatible object storage, e.g.,


Whether to force path-style URLs for S3-compatible object storage. true to turn on, false to turn off. Useful for non-AWS S3-compatible services. Turned off by default.

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Required with S3 driver

The access key for S3-compatible object storage.

AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Required with S3 driver

The secret key for S3-compatible object storage.